All these ideas are great! But, WHO is going to pay for it?
"My proposal is for a two boat trailers with F16's for charter that move from one regional high performance training camp to the next. Add two teams with their own boats and two teams trying it out from the local Yacht clubs and a olympic branded coach and you might get some good results. repeat this model a few times around the country and you might get something going."
This takes a LOT of MONEY and a lot of volunteer effort(money costs again!). This is the biggest hurdle and only the 1% have it. It helps to be a professional sailor too!
You are asking these kids to sacrifice their educations for what, a piece of metal that doesn't buy them groceries at the end of the day?! The days of glory are long gone.
I think someone else said it but 2016 is already past you. This is the reality whether you like it or not. I wish the current teams good luck!
"The election is over, the talking is done, Your party lost, my party won. So let us be friends, let arguments pass, I’ll hug my elephant, you kiss you’re a $$.” Liberalism = A brain eating amoeba & a failed political ideology of the 20th century!