The point I was making is: The increase cost of carbon fabric required for the F14 would only increase the fabric costs by a few hundred dollars.. Substituting one cloth for another cost almost no time.. Also the skill level isnt extended greatly..

I grew up in this hobby when it was usual to start in a CLUB junior fleet with 120 boats on the line.. Thats club not state or national.. This happened was also happening at another half dozen clubs, at the same time, all within 20 minutes drive..

Today if one sees a fleet of 10 its a big fleet.. I realise there are many factors in the decline.. My gut tells me the demise of home building is one cause.. Not the only cause but one.. I suspect if a culture of home building can again be encouraged we may see a revival in the numbers of boats..
BUT telling everyone its too difficult or expensive is not going to help nor is it correct..

As for my business knowledge.. Bob be sure you know the resume of the other person before you suggest a lack of business knowledge..

