I agree with almost everything you are saying.
The problem is that you seem to be talking about a Formula 12 class, and Wouter is talking about the boat he has designed or is designing that is 12'10" long. I just can't see any connection between the two.

It all goes back to what the goal and purpose is for a Formula 12 class. But that discussion was kind of cut off.

I think there is definitely room for a Formula 12 class for the younger kids. I don't see it for the older, more experienced kids, because they are usually ready for all the 15- and 16-footers already being used extensively for youth training, especially in Europe.

But Wouter's boat, as he has said, is not for the younger sailors. So if he does his thing with this fast, longer boat, it still does not address the problem of having a Formula 12 Class for young sailors.

Right now a catamaran for the younger sailors, ages 8-13, is really the only missing link, as far as introduction to catamarans.

Speed and performance are certanly not factors -- except for the boat having good handling characteristics for tacking, jibing, and tracking well but with some weather helm.

I am excited about Phill's design, because it sounds like something that even I could build for my grandchildren. And I need it very soon. For some reason, the kids just keep getting older every year!

(My apologies for Wouter for again expressing my opinion.)