Mark is refering to the F-16 members meeting scheduled to be held during the GC at Zandvoort.
I agree with Mark, if there is something to be discussed or voted over, the forum where it all started is the place to do it.
I miss the old days where class business was discussed at length here and decided on by all interested members. As Mark say, the F-16 was started as a cyber class, and I would like it to stay that way. The open and unique way everything was discussed and having the possibility of influencing processes and decisions on an early stage (before AGM's or the yearly ballot) was something that was very attractive to me and got me hooked on the class. Running an organization that way is very inclusive and more in line with the ideal democracy of ancient Athens. Doing it this way have its drawbacks, but also a lot of positive sides.
I might win the "paranoid geek of the week" prize for this, but it looks like the class is turning more into a traditional organization?

Looks like a slow week on the forum, so its probably the ideal time for raising this issue, if there ever is such a time.

John, Hans, others?