Any organization needs management.

Those people elected to run the organization need room to run it efficiently, with out being side tracked every minute of the day trying to pacify minatory interest.

Those same elected people are allowed to have opinions and even campaign on how that organization is run.
They need to be aware that the organization is made up of individuals and even groups within the organization.

Any change to an organization needs to be formal and include all of it’s members. Weather members choose to take part is up to them. But they must be given the opportunity.
With the technology available to us today, that should not be a problem.

EG: The proposed meeting at Zandvoort should have an agenda posted, with an option for those members not attending to make comment and vote by Proxy. (simple, easy and democracy is served)
The pros and cons can be aired right here as they always have been.

The committee should set the agenda and add any time limits for additional matters to be added.
As well as a time limit for comment and voting.

Once the vote has been taken, all parties, members and committee need to accept it and move forward.

Having said all that. If we get bogged down debating issues that only the pointy end of the fleet will ever care about, we run the risk of loosing our bread and butter. That being the social sailor who wants to pay their fees and go racing on a level playing field.

For what it’s worth.

Tony Jenkins

Ps. Wouter, where were you hiding the wine stash? I don’t recall the sound of corks popping.

Teach them how to think. Not what to think. Aus Blade 002