Interesting to see that the class is already veering away from the way it was set up to a more formal class,


A couple of different things are going on here. I hate meetings, but having an organization that takes care of all the items required to build a sucessfull class is extremely important in order for the rest of us to be able to have races to attend and a class to be a part of. Unfortunately there is insurance, race organization etc, etc to put together. Otherwise it is just a couple of guys who happen to show up at a site to drink and sail. (Very fun for the couple of guys but not a class)

The reason I started racing and continue today is for the party. Sailing is my social outlet, and dedicated formality turns me off. However, it is a crap load of work to make sure these things happen and I greatly appreciate the people who are willing to put in any effort to help organize these things so we have events to attend.
