If voting and discussions are to be done on the internet/forum, what is to be done on the meetings (AGMs?)? I am afraid I dont understand what you mean by "set issues on paper after the internet discussion and voting".

Could you define 'proper' way?

Last two paragraphs are a bit arrogant, at least they come across that way to me. The class structure, which was what made the class interesting to me in the first place, is valuable to me and I am interested in making my opinions heard (which I have). I also believe it to be in the interest of the class and the tradition of the class to run this as an open process. I dont seek a conflict here, but I am expressing my view for what I believe is the best of the F-16 class.

Thanks for spending your time on the class. I really appreciate your dedication.

Sorry for jumping into this a bit late. I have been away for some days without internet access.