This was one of the knocks against the Tornado in the last Olympic appearance of Multis, that they were NOT one design, specifically in the sail inventory. A lot of time and money was spent by teams developing sails. This led to some crazy out of the box thinking, but wasn't that good from a press perspective (lets not forget the US team's 'code zero' esq kite and how well that worked....).
Unfortunatly it was the change in the Tornado Class rules for those Games only that generated the development of the Code Zero. The Tornado Class does not race in 5 knots or less however some feared that in Beijing we would not have seen any racing due to the history of light wind there. Sadly, Beijing ended up being the windiest Olympics the Games have seen for a very long time and the Code Zero did not make the impact it was intended to do, however made quiet a negative impact in the press.
So, moral to the story.... Don't F#$k with the class rules for such an event.