Delusional that I might consider myself in contention for the Olympic spot without quitting my job (or taking a partial sabbatical). Your post said something about how it would be great to see regular joes duking it out for the Olympic spot. I'm a decent sailor but without a significantly more time on the water and an honest dedicated training / coaching effort, I'm not going to be skilled enough to be competitive with that crowd.

THAT CROWD .... see! you do understand why Class's don't want to be Olympic... you automatically split the class into THAT CROWD and the rank and file Joes ...

So... do you want to turn your class over to THAT CROWD to operate in THEIR best interest? ...(Their interest is in What is the angle i can use to gain a jump on my competitors) or do you want your class to reflect the interests of the rank and file... Which is more like... how can I have fun sailing competitively in this class.

THAT CROWD is in the business of finding EVERY ANGLE for an advantage.

Just take a look at equipment rules.. ISAF required the use of a 100,000 dollar machine to laser scan each yingling hull to match the class approved hull form....PRICEY!!! Why you ask?... ... cause people were pushing the rules to get an edge... So... that means the class has to measure that edge and say... Pass... or No Pass... BUT IT COSTS THE CLASS Time and Money to do this and they have no choice if they want a "fair" competition to remain Olympic .... The average Joe may not want to deal with this culture of push every edge!!!.

This is the culture problem that we point to.

Having said that.... you can always compete in an Olympic class and join the fray or not. This is your personal choice...

However, If your class get's nailed as Olympic or your Class leadership decides to put you into the chaos by choice against your vote... You were screwed!

The Tornado Class has adapted to the Olympic chaos.... It's constantly changed to accommodate Olympics and it's popularity has been crushed..... those that stay with the class and boat... know what the game's about. They WANT to be Olympic.

(Mixed Sailing.... a reality tv show in the making just pretending to be the pinnacle of athletic competition. ...
Open Sailing... a gender blind pinnacle of athletic competition.
M/F Sailing... a gender sorted pinnacle of athletic competition)

What do you do with XXY sailors.... hmmm inquiring minds want to know?
