Leaving aside that there are many reasons to have gender-specific dinghy events, if we focus instead on what is achievable, and we agree that one multihull event is probable, and you want to have men and women participate out of a gender-equity approach, then what conclusion do you come to? Open is code for "men's." There were some women in the Tornado "open" fleet, but as Devon pointed out for us, it was male dominated. What do you think the women in catamaran sailing want if there is only one event? I know quite clearly what the women in US SAILING want - when I said "open" at the table, I wasn't sure who was going to slap me first, Dawn Riley or Cory Sertl.
Haven't heard much from women catsailors today... care to chime in?
John Williams
- The harder you practice, the luckier you get - Gary Player, pro golfer
After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.