Originally Posted by Devon
Pics please laugh

When EXACTLY did this become SA? At least you're not asking to see their... nevermind.

One other thing, you guys claiming that there is a "gentleman's agreement" or class culture pushing F18 sailors to sail stock boats. Is that an NA thing, or is that truly global? Or would anyone here even know for sure?

Also, when did this start? I distinctly recall the "growing pains" of the early (US) Tiger sailors, as the boat went from pinhead to squaretop, got a self-tacker, etc. This was after the boat had been available and (presumably) developing in Europe for many years.

Seems to me that since F18 is a developmental class, this would be an unfair thing to assume people to accept. Simply put, the rules allow changes. Not allowing changes only accomplishes forcing people to trade boats every few years, and makes the older designs lose value more quickly.
