If ISAF brings a multihull back to the Olympics, there are three things they can do:
a) Reinstate the Tornado, because it is simple and there is a precendent with the Star, that also was reinstated after it left. b) Adopt a new class through trials, like when the Tornado became an Olympic class. c) Choose an existing class, that is extremely unlikely, for any choice they make is guaranteed to displease the majority of multihullers.
This very thread demonstrates how difficult it is to please everyone's wishes when it comes to existing classes, and if ISAF brings a multihull back, they will certainly want all the political credit they can get. A new class chosen by trials is a politically wiser choice in this regards.
As a consequence, it is fair to conclude that the direct choice of an existing class (option c) is extremely unlikely - unless it can win the trials (option b). In view of that, we are left with two rational lines of action:
a) Lobby for the Tornados. b) Lobby for trials.
Everything else is a waste of work, time and money.
Proposals to choose an existing class for the Olympics must exclude those unable to win the trials, but don't waste your time thinking about it, for it is impossible to forecast anything without knowing the set of criteria (like weight, performance, cost, media atractiveness, etc.) and their respective weights.
An interesting alternative is to discuss the best criteria for the trials. It might actually be useful if ISAF goes this way.