Don't get her too small, Rolf. Macca and I enjoyed continuing the debate in Athens over a pint or five, but I still think the proof is in the pudding; IF (and it is a big IF) an F16-type boat is selected as equipment, it is worth noting that in all F16 events in the US, F18-sized teams have performed very well. All of the F16 platforms I have lain hands on needed much more that the Macca-predicted 120kgs to land the podium.
And I can't stress enough - the Evaluation will be detailed and open; I'm sure there will be 16, 18 and 20-foot designs in the running. The outcome is not at all assured to be one over the other.
John Williams
- The harder you practice, the luckier you get - Gary Player, pro golfer
After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.