
O.K., I wasn't kidding about Bernoulli but i'm cautious slipping into the theoretical deep end with my flaccid biology degree for bouncy. Lemme give you and example; watch what happens when I foolishly address-

Nick , Ron and ,(gulp) Wouter,

A few corrections if I may:

Lift is a reaction force. The sail pushes air down and so the air pushes the sail up (forward). The key though ,for you and I, isn't Bernoulli - it's the Coanda effect (ya know the tendency of a fluid [air] to stick to a curved surface [sail] over which it is flowing). Coanda is key because as air flows over the curved lee of a sail it gets bent downward and pulls on the air above it creating a low pressure bubble. To bend air the sail has to exert a force (Isaac's 1st) which is opposed equally and oppositely( Isaac's 3rd), and lift happens. The magnitude of the lift is equal to the mass of the air diverted downward (Wouter does this clarify the "wash" question ?)...
Now, quit fooling around and get going on those T-Foil rudders !



Doc , I vote for the Orange sails as by far the coolest !!

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