John, Sorry I cant share your pleasure, firstly sailing is a extremly male dominated sport and the number of female interest is very small compared, so obviously a mixed event will = EPIC FAIL, it will have to be done on a much smaller platform because a female member isnt going to be as strong as a male member, and simply this wont achieve any where near as much interest to the spectator as would 2 male crew on a 20 footer, this is yet again going against what the IOC have insisted we dont do! Make it more viable interesting to the general public, no ones girlfriend wife or mother gives a dam to watch a mixed couple racing on a pissy 16 foot cat, nor will most blokes, at least try to put forward a class that may work, and have a chancce to save olympic sailing, is amuses me John how you think a mixed multi will appease the ioc, much less increase viewers, i would love to hear what type of mixed cat would please you!!!!!!!! Actually i think everyone here would like to know whay type of mixed cat you would suggest and give us a chance to analyize your suggestion before a mixed team is proposed foolishly, and if people here cant explain why your choise wont work then sure go for it!!