Devon, you've put a lot out there as though it were fact. I'm not trying to single you out here, but if you think you've correctly summarized the Tornado Class' position with "they know they're not the fastest," you're continuing to illustrate the sort of limited view that helped create the atmosphere wherein we lost the event in the first place. Like as not, it is a fact that the event must be chosen first. Further, nowhere does it say that the fastest multihull must be chosen as the equipment. Under the "mixed" designation, the Tornado Class still feels good about their chances of being selected, so you're not arguing for "any 20-footer," you want one specific boat. I'm sorry, but that approach simply doesn't earn a seat at the table for a discussion about what the event should be.
The submission (097-10) we're discussing is from the Exec and based upon the Olympic Commission's report, which was vetted through the IOC. This thing has pedigree and the significant thing from our perspective is that a multihull event is expressed to be important to include. Those are facts.
John Williams
- The harder you practice, the luckier you get - Gary Player, pro golfer
After watching Lionel Messi play, I realize I need to sail harder.