What do you think our chances would have been if we'd been voted out today?
Actually... much better had this vote not come out this way!
Had we held firm... not accepted a mixed multihull... The Committees and Councils would have faced going to the IOC without a Multihull again... IMO... they would not have done this suicidal move.
NOW... the Council has cover... they can say.. well the athletes have approved a MIXED Mulit and a MIXED 470... We keep the Finn and dump a keel boat.
The athletes input and the committees have (as usual) been self serving...
WHY women's keel boat? ... answer... because the old women want to find a way to Professional sailing ... It's their priority.... has been for years.
Why Finn.... answer.. Olympic political clout!.... the fig leaf... is they tell the IOC that they are supporting individual athlete events.... (The women's committe wanted NO PART of this Hiking BS... so they get their wish... a women's Keel boat for match racing.)
These people act like sailing a catamaran is like piloting an alien space ship... Tell the old broads to get in shape and hike or trapeeze! ITS A FEAKING ATHLETIC COMPETITION.
The Olympic ideal SHOULD have been Boards Skiffs CATS Laser/Laser Finn/Europe
This gives you gender equity... (IOC CHECK) shifts the majority of the sport to individual events (6 of 10) (IOC CHECK) NO Keel Boats... (IOC CHECK). Visually exciting.. Skiffs and Cats. (IOC CHECK)
As always John... Your milage may vary. I would not have compromised... the cost /benefit ratio is not good.