OK, but if we want to see guys like Coutts and Baird racing shitty boats against each other we just have to watch the star, Finn, laser etc.
If the boat makes no difference then why not put everyone in lasers and let them go for it!
How the
I think it would be entertaining.
If Nacra built this boat to be accepted as the next Olympic cat then I think you should state that. Perhaps you have, but I think that may have an effect on some peoples decision to buy this boat good or bad.
And as a Rep. for Nacra you should temper your attitude towards other boats. Especially one that taught thousands to sail and probably exists in greater numbers than than all cats put together.
I still don't understand why having an amateur campaign on a popular, also Olympic boat, is such a bad idea. If it's that bad, why are there so many damn lasers everywhere?