I agree with new2sailin2 post. After 2 years of selling Hobie's and other monohulls the reality is no parent is going to spend a lot for a youth racing cat that is two small for 2 adults. The Hobie Dragoon was a failure from the start in the US due to this issue and costs, the fact is we should focus on what is working and then help the kids move to adulthood and either continue to race the H16 or move to formula 18 or ACat racing. The ISAF really does not live in reality and seems to keep getting more and more out of touch with reality and what will work and not work, and really what is fun to youth. I know the Hobie Class organizations in Europe and else where will continue to youth race the H16 and so on no matter what the ISAF does and really is not even interested in the ISAF Youth worlds, even though they would like to continue to support the ISAF worlds with the H16. After enough experience with the ISAF and all their political garbage, who really cares what they select. If I had my way I would be using Wave's and H16's and actuall focus more on fun. Take a look at the youth monohulls they are not fast but they are fun and when your racing in one design how fast or high tech a boat is not a major factor and until we realize this we will conitnue to be on the losing end. Thank God for the H16 worlds, Hobie's youth events, etc. or very little would be happening in the youth multihull area. Ok I am done now and most likely most disagree with me, oh well.