That is the USA program!

Sound like in Britan, the cats at least fight for the attention of kids with the 29 ner... I may be wrong, here... It sounds like they have several yacht clubs that have junior sailors racing both of these boats and parents can see coaching, facilities, organization, energy, and support all the way through the program.

For a non cat sailing parent to support a kid with coaching, water access, boat, equipment and transportation they must see a ladder that their kid could climb. IMO, Rhodysails accurate description of the USA catamaran program just won't cut it for them ... I doubt that they will see a program of trailering to weekend hobie regattas as the present state of the art and worth supporting their kid in. That is... IF they or their kids know that such a thing exists.

What's the state of the art in other countries? ... Who pays for it? Who runs it for the parents? Would other countries view the US program favorably? Does anyone else have a similar ad hoc program?

For US Sailors... Is the current US program the best we can expect? If the rest of the world tack right... Will we cover or continue off to the left?

IMO, if we sort out the commitment to a program and its goals ... the boat choice will be obvious.


Last edited by Mark Schneider; 02/21/05 12:51 PM.