[Having been forced to sail one at a youth national championship I know why. They are horrid.]

Scooby,I have raced ,windmills,Albacores,lasers ,laser 2,Hobie 16,18,Code 40,s,Fireballs,Force 5, was happy to do so and enjoyed everyone of them.
You sound like you were a little too spoiled as a child

How do you come to the opinion I was spoiled ?

I sailed my first boat with my father (he owned it).

Affter a few years he decided he wanted a smaller boat so I mowed most of the lawns in my street for a year to same up the money to buy the Dart 18 from him.

Anyone who thinks the laser 2 is a good boar is sadly deluded. The class has all but died in the UK, reason, as I said, it's a horrible boat. Now the Fireball, that I like, The Albacore I can just about understand. The laser is popular because it is popular as there are so many and it is so simple. TheMightyHobie18 is also a dead boat in the UK.

'nuff said on this subject I think.

F16 - GBR 553 - SOLD

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