I believe Bob asked when there was ever a Wave Youth Regatta.., and the answer is every year.
At the Wave Nationals all the sailors race in one start for the Open Championship and from the overall results we break out the winners of the Women, Masters (over 55) and Youth (18 and under)

In the last couple of years there have not been than many kids racing, but there usually are several.
And we have had some good competition. Laura Young won it a couple of times and is now sailing for the Naval Academy. Harry Newkirk and his buddy, Tommy, have sailed the regatta numerous times and lately the regatta has been dominated by Zach Grant (also the World Open Champ).
So, the Wave Class has actively been trying to attract youth sailors. When Hobie supplied charter boats, it was easier to attract kids, but has been a bit more difficult without rental boats.

Just on more thing -- the boat selection made seems to be a way to progress the kids to the Tornado (or whatever Olympic multihull they may select in the future), but I think they are not looking at ALL youth. Rather they seem to be to thinking only of young adults.., not kids

I believe we need a boat for small kids to play with and have fun with. Sure, race as well.
And after they mature, go through puberty, and become young adults, they can move into more high-tech and faster boats.
I certainly cannot see a couple of 60 pounders on this new boat selected by ISAF.., nor even on a Hobie 16, for that matter.

Monohull folks have the Opti.., but we seemingly have nothing.

Not to beat a dead horse, but the Hobie Wave would be the perfect boat for kids.., it can be sailed as a Unirig by one person, or with a jib and Hooter (or spinnaker) it could be sailed by two kids.
And it could be sailed as a uni with a spin or Hooter.
It is really simple to add on the extra horsepower and add some trapeze wires.
So, you see. Lots of options.
And the boat cannot be damaged very easily -- they are Tupperware.


Rick White
Catsailor Magazine & OnLineMarineStore.com