You are not very well informed are you now ?


What catamaran classes are the Youth racing in TODAY?

KL15.5/SL15.5, Mystere 4.3, Hobie 16's and I seem to remember Hobie waves as well.


What other catamaran classes run Youth World Championships?

Well that is a great point to make, Only ISAF can hold Youth World Championship so no-one else can without serious penalties to the organisers, officials and sailors. And current the H16 is the ISAF choice, WITH SPINNAKER so it is not H16 class compliant. But this is all semantics. The decision to replace the H16(spi) with another design has been made. So enjoy your last two years of the honour of being the Youth boat.


What other catamaran classes run Youth National Championships?"

Mystere 4.3 (was/is US youth boat, surely you knew that)
KL15.5/SL15.5 (France youth boat and showing serious racing that most of us can only dream about)
Waves (But only in the USA I think)

I'm sure there are a few more classes in Australia that have youth status and youth nationals. Boats like the arrow. But I have no time to go on the internet and look it up.

Being ignorant doesn't mean you are right.


Last edited by Wouter; 02/18/05 09:53 AM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands