
Do you remember how the rig was made up. Was the sail just a sleeved sail with the mast put inside the sleeve with no other elements/parts being present. Was the mast very stiff, did it hardly bend when you cranked on the mainsheet. Did the battens pop easily when you tacked. In how much wind were you sailing ?

G'day again Wouter I would think that the mast was typical of a windsurfer, it was flexible up top stiffer near the bottom and plugged into a hole in the deck. The sail was sleeved and just slid on, the battens stayed in the sail when it was packed up. The boom was basic like an A. It had a vang and a simple to adjust centreboard held in place by shockcord going around it back to the mast this kept enough tension on the board to hold it in position. The main sheet was only 2 to 1 which was really tiring when I was out but the kids had no problem.
My youngest daughter was 8 then and she took it out accross the lake capsised it righted it, sailed it, battens popped easily, loved it probably 8-10knots. I was out in over 30knots when the gusts were so strong downwind that the main sheet was getting pulled out of my hands even then with no stays the mast held no problem as I said with me at 105kg I was able to plane for quite a long time hiked out but under 20knots it wouldnt be much fun for an adult or under 8knots for a kid with expectations. Not to stuff around with your idea but whats to stop somebody that starts their kids on your boat changing the mast and rigging later.

Jeff Southall
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