Good question Gato <img src="" alt="" />

a composite set of hydrostatics for a couple of winning Uni-Rig boats would look something like this:

LCB 46.7% (fwd of transom)
LCF 45.5% (fwd of transom)
Cb 0.511
Cm 0.809
Cv 0.946
Cp 0.632
Cwp 0.754

My design which is geared more towards the heavier weights performance wise (to keep the heavier (50 kg+) kids from getting bored) looks like this right now:

LCB 47.3% (fwd of transom)
LCF 45.3% (fwd of transom)
Cb 0.393
Cm 0.619
Cv 1.432
Cp 0.635
Cwp 0.797

Would be interesting to see Grob's, Scarecrow's and Phill's numbers also if they have them. I don't think we need to hide these parameters as everyone will eventually see them anyways when we publish the plans and anyone can back calculate them. I would have included something similar to my design, but I don't have any lines handy from which to build a model to compare with, if anyone has a CAD model of something even close, please post it it and I'll throw a hydro's model together for everyone to look at.
