
I've posted some pics of a craft that I will build because I think it will work at attracting kids.
My suggestion is that everyone else build what they think is right to capture the imagination of the young.
Hopefully someone will get it right and kids will be drawn to the sport.

Posting in the Open forum may not atract kids, but will certainly atract adult support for the general concept of a kids' cat. It also has the potential to atract support from builders.

I think it is positive to post from times to times some type of "progress report" or "project milestone reaching report" of the kid's cat concept in that (and others) fora, in order to familiarize people with the idea and atract further support.

I call this "internal marketing" and in the current stage it is even more important than normal marketing. And while we are at the subject of atracting support, I am sure that whatever plans Phil has for the Blade, he will also support this cooperative global project as well.

I see no need to press with binary "in or out" choices. As shrinks say, there are many shades of grey between white and black. He may be in and build the boat he likes. If this group does its work well and achieves a smart class with inteligent features and compromises, Phill might decide to change his boat to fit the class. And we may do exactly the same - as I already proposed with the mainsheet and tiller crossbar setup.

Wouter is right when he says that we need internal cooperation to succeed. I would only add that this must not necessarily limit personal initiatives. Things will progress well because we are all intelligent and cooperative enough to manage them without interfering negatively with the group's project. I fully trust this group's participants intentions, capacity and integrity.

Let's keep it going.
