
A Formula (box rule) is the way to go if the inclusion of existing cat classes is a goal.

Forget about including any of the existing cats. There are none to be found in this range that are spread widely enough. The Taipan and Stealths were a good spring board for the F16's but in all honesty their are no 12 ft small and simple cat designs out there that could serve a similar purpose.

And yes I checked ! ( Berny !)

Tried to contact some of these classes and I concluded that they are completely dead as no reply was ever received.

And no the idea was not to get a specialized cat for young kids (8 to 10 year olds), that is the Blade 12 project. You can we please stop dragging that argument back in over and over again. That station has been passed.

An 8 year old is simply not going to sheet a 7.00 sq.mtr mainsail with only one hand (other being on the tiller). Two young kids just may be able to sail the craft with one on the tiller and the other sheeting the main with two hands.

Please Berny read the historic documentation on the F12's before making any more posts.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands