I agree, good post and it reflects what I have noticed teaching.
If we don't get them on the water and having fun we are not going to get them racing. Racing will come but if it is the focus you will lose most of them before they get hooked.
In a race there is only one winner.
The most enjoyable sailing classes for the kids that I've run is when we had the kids playing games in their 12 ft surfcats. They all come off the water happy.
When racing one or two were happy and the rest looked like they wanted to be somewhere else. Remember a competative child wants to win.
If you focus on getting them on the water and having fun the racing will follow.

Jeffs made a good post.
Nice and short and to the point.

I pick the ply up for the Blade 12 on Monday.
They have it in stock thank goodness.

BTW: 3800mm should be long enough.

I know that the voices in my head aint real,
but they have some pretty good ideas.
There is no such thing as a quick fix and I've never had free lunch!