
These are fundamental issues. I think it's important to make sure that everyone is one the same page (or at least figure out if they're not).

Just to be clear on this, I can work under these 4 rules but I strongly prefer a more strickt rules set that is not an exclusive OD class. I think the current 4 rules are still top open to really give ourselves a really good chance for a succesful youth class launch.

I really would like to see the engines be highly equalized by ruling on the max luff length and max mast length. That will go a very long way in forcing equal performance over the different makes.

I also feel that rule forcing the boats to be boardless is very good to have. It is just so much easier then boards and the performance difference of the boards is too small to really be significant anyway.


Last edited by Wouter; 12/05/07 08:58 PM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands