So your boat is not an F12 then, is it ?

We are still deciding with all people here (including you) on how the F12 design and F12 class will look like.

The guy who sold you your kit hasn't cross referenced it with us here, for all we know it may well violate one of the F12 class rules that still need to be finalized. If that happens then you are out of luck.

Apart from that you are free do to what you want.

And this is exactly why the rights claim was written down. We don't want every Harry, Dick and Tom to call their contraptions a F12, muscle in on the promotion done by others and confuse the wider public.

The F12 design will be what is decided upon on this forum, not what some "split off designer" thinks it should be. Any other design will most likely not be allowed in the class later on.

Who says so ? Well I say so ! And after putting in all those hours already I have every right to do so. On whose activities was this F12 forum started for example ?

Besides, distractors like yourself frustrated the F12 project last februari as well and when pushed came to shoove we couldn't dependent on these guys to do anything but complain all the time. So forgive me from considering this a passed station. Now, if any of you feels uncomfortable with me claiming rights to this F12 project then you are strongly invited to buy a Hobie rotomoulded boat, start your own class or just generally refrain from commenting. You had your chance to replace me as project leader several times , I even renewed that offer 2 weeks ago and there are simply no other takers (again).

So you are stuck with me (unless you want no F12 at all) and I'm not going to do all that work without coming away with some rights. Of course owning these rights still doesn't mean that I'll charge everybody for it. It just means the control of the project and class is well defined. Something that is important for a succesful launch of the class.


Last edited by Wouter; 11/30/07 08:47 AM.