OK, here is my design, a bit modern for sure, but 11 kids have seen it now and all with no exceptions wanted one yesterday. Whether the rest of the planet is of the same mind, only time will tell.
I designed this so it will have 2 hull options, most of the pic's that follow are of the hard chined version because that is what I believed would spark the initial interest, the round bilge version (similar profile) is based around my new F16 design with the appropriate changes and is more geared to older kids, a conventional rig and traps, perhaps even a kite. I'll finish this version as time or interest permits.
To get the round bilge one out of the way, its the first pic, all the rest are of the hard chined version.
I should also note that everything is within Wouters posted guidelines except for the luff length which is just a bit longer.


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