To get from A to B a Model T Ford was succesful but this it was replaced by more performant cars over time. Car marketers always praise the sportiness of their cars not that it is succesful from getting you from A to B.
The F12 is for kids, so maybe we should think bikes instead of cars. Sportiness coupled with training wheels. Fast when seen by the kid and safe when seen by the parent.
Before the McDonald's cafe example I failed to realise that the reasons backing a One Design were based on giving priority to racing. Here are some possible explanations for the subconscient choice I implicitly made:
- Kids are competitive. The first thing they want after learning to sail is race with other kids.
- Races are probably the best way to keep kids interested after they can move around in a boat.
- Races are perceived by parents as safer than plain sailing or even regular classes because they imply supervision (RC), support boats (many teachers), parents' boats, bigger kids around to help, etc.
- Races make people gather during specific periods, forcing social networking. This helps make friends (and enemies). Social networking is considered positive for the development of kids (but some groups may be negative).
- Racing entry boats is comparable to doing tests at school: both activities accelerate the learning process and help measure the kids' progress.
- Racing requires skill. If a kid races or intends to race, he/she must receive more coaching and will become a better sailor sooner. Parents seem to know this.
- If we take plain sailing as the priority, prospect racers will migrate to another class soon (kids start competing almost imediately after they learn to sail). Early migration will translate into two entry classes, two entry programs, two entry groups - and half the number of kids in each group. It is reasonable to assume that both groups will receive a better and more focused trainment, but at the cost of nearly doubling organization and support efforts or catching less people. I believe we prefer quantity over quality in an entry boat.
Conclusion: I tend to agree with Wouter that it is preferable to target both sailing and racing with one class only.
Let's find more reasons to choose "sailing", "racing" and "both" as the main target so that we can make a list and decide. Short sentences will make the decision process easier.