I haven't been chased off line Jeff, just trying to avoid the need to put on staff 3 weeks before christmas. For those that are interested my design is basically ready to go I'll be printing out a full set of drawings this afternoon and checking them through before finalising them and sending them off to eager parties tomorrow. Its basically as per the renderings posted a couple of weeks ago although I have added an alternate deck detail for those who want a more rounded look to the topsides than stitch and glue construction allows (you know who you are).
With regards to rules, I know of approx 8-9 F12 boats (including Phills) due to go in to construction over the next month and the only one that falls outside the basic box of 3.75 x 2 is Phill's. As far as I know both mine and RGs fit the 4 rule box (length, beam, sail area, weight) although I won't be suggesting to the guys building my boats that they add weight at this stage. As stated before I don't see any value in mandating stay or stayless etc as I believe the class will settle into a "prefered" solution over time as it will for boards or skegs. My boat has stays because I believe this is easier for kids to rig on their own (its much easier to lift a mast and then pull a sail up then to do them both together). While it will be possible to fit traps to my design they are not part of the basic design and are by no means necessary.
Luiz, I'll add my vote to you being the first president of the International F12 Association. And will re-state my offer to host a dedicated web site. I've started drafting something up but really don't have much time so if someone else wants to do the work I'm happy to let them (don't all jump fwd at once).
What I would really like to see is someone from the US put their hand up to get moving (pick a design any design) as all the actual development seems to be coming from Australia (NZ is actually an Australian state we just don't always admit it as we find the kiwis a bit rough around the edges).
Here is where I'm at web site wise: Those whose emails are listed if you want them removed please tell be.
![[Linked Image]](http://www.ctmd.com.au/contacts.jpg)