My comments on your spreadsheet.

I would like to add a few comments on the "OD F12" in your spreadsheet.

Trapeze/Hiking :

The given 7.00 sq. mtr rig on a 6.00 mtr mast (that is what we all agree upon right ?) will only be able to produce so much heeling moment. The OD F12 will resist this by hiking on a wide platform, while the trapezed F12 will resist this on a trapping on a more narrow platform. You don't win much by trapping on a wide platform, mostly because the rig will then not have you trapping unless the winds are really strong. That was the idea behind the hiking OD F12, just add a little extra beam width to compensate.

From memory I think that my design achieved 2-up trapping F18 equality at 2 mtr wide for a 53 kg crew.

Speed :

From what I know and have seen on the water, many will be surprised about how small the performance difference between a multichined and a round bilge hull will be when all else is the same. We are not talking more then say 3 minutes per hour racing at max here, which is pretty negligiable.

Stability/pitching :

My F12 design was to be fitted with T-foil rudders, especially the deep V-ed keel version. In my opinion this is the most simple and inexpensive way to get excellent pitching behaviour. As per what Darryll did with his F14's, the T-foil rudders use plain kickup rudderstocks. On the F12 the rudders and T-foils will be too small to develop enough force to break off the sterns or stocks anyway. On the Alfa Omega F14 did was already the case. As such the little T-foils are just permanently screwed to the bottom of the rudders. Plain and simple, easily replaced when damaged.

I think these points will increase the points assigned to the "OD F12" a little


Last edited by Wouter; 11/26/07 06:53 AM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands