I've also considered this, but instead of an X frame, a dolphin striker strap plus a strut running aft to the rear beam or a mid-tramp beam. Simpler because there are easier landings than for an X frame. One problem (sorry, "opportunity") is that you will require a main beam wide enough to take a hole for a mast to go through.
The only reason I can see for a stayless rig is for easy rigging. How about a compromise, lower struts for standing the rig, then stays for stiffening up the top of the mast...like a 420 with its mast gate. Very easy to rig.
Dare I say the talk here is tending towards a cat version of a laser...three freestanding rigs for a single platform...I like the concept.
btw, those moth photos are not of Rohan or his boat. It is a UK developed moth, home built actually! I think by one of the top UK moth sailors, he may've won the previous world championships between Rohan's wins.