
My suggestion is that everyone else build what they think is right to capture the imagination of the young.
Hopefully someone will get it right and kids will be drawn to the sport.

No war has ever been won when allies are also engaged in fighting among themselves. I think this gave rise to the saying "Divide and Conquer".

Basically I disagree with the notion that we should all do our own thing and have the market place sort us out. The end result will most likely be that we all fail and waste alot of effort and resources in the proces. More importantly even, we will fail to effectively compete agains designs like the Open Bic and 29-er.

I also think "hoping" is an generally bad strategy.

So the question becomes, are you "in" with the F12 project or are you more interested in doing your own SMOD thing ?


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands