Had forgotten to give you people some floatation numbers, with a 65 kg platform and a 45 kg kid, on both hulls it will float approx 29mm below the tip of the bow, on one hull its exactly at the nose. With a 75 kg crew, it will sit down a further 36mm when on 1 hull. And for those extreme conditions where all the neighborhood kids pile on the boat and its sunk to halfway up the transom (110mm above DWL) it will support 221 kg on one hull .... thats almost 5 45 kg kids or 10 of them when it's on both hulls. Not sure the beams or the rig will standup to this punishment, so just don't tell the kids it can do it <img src="http://www.catsailor.com/forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Last edited by RetiredGeek; 11/25/07 06:01 PM.