Jeff and I are building the same design, we want the boats out there sailing around,

That is good news.
Hope it works out well. If there is anything I can help out with let me know. If we all take a shot one or more of us will hit the mark.
I'll try to get to Sydney to get my ply during the week.
Just hope they have what I need in stock.
I will probably build two boats to demonstrate the one set of plans can accommodate both building methods. I may end up donating both to the local sailing club when I'm finished testing. That way a couple of kids can sail against each other. It is predominately a mono club, but with a strong junior program, so it should be interesting.

I hope you guys keep us updated on how things are going.


I know that the voices in my head aint real,
but they have some pretty good ideas.
There is no such thing as a quick fix and I've never had free lunch!