With all due respect from me as well, and heaps of appreciation for your participation and contributions.
Have you read all the previous posts begining with and including "Youth Recreation Trend" on the big forum from approximately one year ago?
While 100 hours may not be realistic for one amatuer on their first go, it should be an ideal, or easily attainable by a group of builders, i.e. a half dozen father/sons building a half dozen boats at the club over a weekend.
We've all let go of our "must haves" regarding catamarans (trapezes and the like) to strip ourselves down to #1) the mentality of child just learning to sail and about sailboats and #2) a parent who potentially is just learning to sail and about sailboats.
The daggerboards, and trunks, are a maintenance issue. A move in the wrong direction.
My two cents.
Last edited by flatlander18; 11/08/07 08:56 AM.